Saturday, March 14, 2009

Emma and Clayton : Married

Emma called me literally the week of their wedding to see if I was available due to some scheduling issues with their original photographer... Luckily I had blocked off some time for my birthday that weekend and I was able to take the wedding!
The Ceremony was held at the Heritage Park in Carollton... It was a pretty location and the church was so cute and old I loved it! Everyone was packed in so tight it made for great atmosphere. The bride seemed to be a tiny bit stressed at times but as soon as she was with Clayton that stress melted away and she was able to enjoy the moment and her big day!
Congratulations to the both of you and have fun on your honeymoon!
I loved the touch of the champagne ribbon for the bridesmaids...


Stephanie said...

That was sweet of you to step up and take their photos. Nothing like having to stress over photos on a wedding day, and these..turned out PERFECT! :D Love them! :D

Sara Boulter said...

Thanks so much for your comment! Don't we have the best job in the whole world!? :) You're so darn sweet.